
from Survivor911

Hindsight is a mean creature. Imagine the lives that could be saved, if we knew today what we will find out tomorrow. Suicide stole a friend of mine. As cliché as it sounds…suicide really did steal a piece of everyone who knew him that day.

I’m 20, and I’m sitting at a friend’s funeral. I didn’t think this was coming for another 50 years. Ten days earlier, we’d been chatting away, making plans to catch up. The next day, he took his life. He didn’t seem himself the weekend before he did it. I knew he wasn’t happy and we were worried. I asked him if he was going to “do something silly” but he said he “was fine,” so I assumed he was. I spoke to him the next day and he said he was great, and we organized to go to a football game the next week.

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Taking Care of Yourself

Taking care of yourself keeps your mind and body primed and ready to deal with stressful situations.

Taking care of yourself can mean anything from paying attention to your own needs and feelings to helping others whose problems are more serious than yours.  It can mean finding the will to live well, engaging in activities that you enjoy and experience as relaxing.  It can mean slowing down and doing nothing at all for awhile.

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Get Physically Active

Your heart rate is beating faster and you feel better, today and tomorrow.

Any amount of exercise can noticeably boost your mood.

Helps the body:

  • Improves sleep
  • Increases energy
  • Decreases pain
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Manages body weight

Helps the mind:

  • Stimulates blood flow into the brain
  • Reduces stress, distress and anxiety by burning off stress-inducing hormones
  • Lifts mood by releasing feel-good hormonesdoodleskate
  • Improves self-confidence with better fitness
  • Relieves pent-up muscle tension

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