Over 33,000 people in the United States die by suicide every year
A person dies by suicide about every 16 minutes in the United States.
Every 2 hours and 12 minutes a young adult kills him or herself.
While approximately 80 Americans take their own lives every day, 1,500 more attempt to do so.
The ratio of homicides to suicides in the US is 2:3.
About 90% of all people who die by suicide have a diagnosable and treatable mental health condition.
There are four male suicides for every female suicide and yet twice as many females as males attempt suicide.
Currently, suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the United States.
In Vermont, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for youth aged 11-23.
Rate of suicide deaths per 100,000 nationally: 11. Rate of suicide deaths per 100,000 in Vermont: 13.
Firearms remain the most commonly used suicide method among youth in Vermont accounting for 55% of all suicides.
In the past year 22% of Vermont middle school students struggled with severe depression.
In the past year 8.5% of high school students attempted suicide.
It is estimated that there are more than 1,000 suicides on college campuses per year.
One in 12 college students has made a suicide plan.
Each suicide death intimately and profoundly affects at least six people.
Years of potential life lost to suicide deaths each year: 972,264.
Internationally about one million people die by suicide each year, more than war and homicide combined.
From the American Association of Suicidology and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention